Was pretty pumped going into this race. Dad was flying over from New Zealand and some of my good mates were coming out to crew...
Headed out to Old Hidden Vale Friday arvo having to compete with peak hour traffic was really frustrating. I arrived just on dark so no practice lap for me tonight. I arrived to see Richard and Dad had set up one of the tents and they had just got back from half a practice lap.
Spoilt as I am my work was kind enough to pay for a room at the resort for me for Friday and Saturday nights, that way getting a good sleep and having access to showers for the crew. After dinner Boz, Kiri and Fellows rocked up.. starting to get pretty pumped for the race. After putting in lots more training and having spent a few weeks with Freddo from Race elements my skills were on the improve.
Saturday morning up at sparrows fart to watch the sun rise... Its Race Day! Strolled up to pit lane to have Mike arrive with the second tent.. up that went and our pit area was sorted..
Trying to sort out a few things with bikes and I was starting to get really frustrated.. Time to hit the trails for a practice lap. Dad came along as did Mikey with his slowly repairing Collarbone. 3 pedal strokes and the frustration gone..
The track is DRY!!!! after racing here at the 4 hour and slogging through mud for that whole time
I was elated that the track was dry..This is going to be fun. Bridges well they were a little hairy but as long as you hit them straight on you should stay out of trouble. Back to pit lane and time to get sorted, Stace and Grant arrived with only 30 mins to start, nothing like a grand entrance.
Time for race brief and get ready to go, I decided to take the Tomac Carbide out as my main ride being that it is such a fast bike to ride.. although due to lack of time I didn't have a chance to play with the pressures and after 3 laps I was buckled to pieces after taking on the rough track. Jumped back on the Tomac Auto, nice and familiar.. My race was pretty incident free drinking well and having a crew who were totally organised makes for an easy race..
After being on the bike for about 13 hours I had to get off, my behind and seat were not getting along. I was off the bike for 5 hours including having a shower and a bit of a rest.. I had it in my head I was done, no way I was going to be able to sit on that seat again..... Dad had to take off at 5am to get his flight back to NZ and everyone else in the pits were catching some shut eye.. so I decided bugger it I was hurting already so why not just keep going.. I was sitting in 3rd and didn't want to lose that spot, so while everyone was sleeping on I got and away I went, wasn't out to set any land speed records just needed to keep the laps ticking over.
3 laps later I called it quits I was 6 laps(13 laps in total) in front of 4th with only 2 hours to go so no need to do any more damage to myself, and I had managed to stay rubber side down the whole time and wanted it to stay that way. Getting 3rd for my first 24 I am really stoked, and if I can get my seat sorted I will be looking forward to more like it, as my legs were strong.
Biggest Thank you's go out to all that helped me with my race.. Dad, Stace, Grant, Mike, Kiri, Boz, Richard and Fellows, no way you can compete in these races without the help of your mates. And thank to my trusty stead's that kept me rolling Tomac Auto & Tomac Carbide.
Credit goes out to Tailwind Promotions for another superbly run race.
Bring on the 8 hour